Turn A Gundam" and beyond, graphic designer Daisuke Umino, who has worked on numerous commercial designs for the Gundam series, has compiled those designs into a book titled 'Dabhand Designs Gundam Commercial Design 1999-2019'!
This book includes over 800 items spanning 20 years, including title logos, posters, DVD covers, and toy packaging from the Gundam series that Umino worked on. It also features comments from Yoshiyuki Tomino, a critique by Ryusuke Hikawa titled "Design Work as a 'Bridge of Concepts'," and explanations of the works by Kiyoshi Tane, making for a visually and intellectually satisfying 320-page book.
Order yours today!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
「ターンエーガンダム」以降、ガンダムシリーズのコマーシャルデザインを数多く手がけたグラフィックデザイナー・海野大輔、それらデザインをまとめた書籍『DABHANDdesigns GUNDAM COMMERCIAL DESIGN 1999-2019』が3月24日、DLEパブリッシングより刊行されます。