Kanagata Sugumi (Ga-shin) is the latest collaboration between Kotobukiya's "Megami Device" mecha-girl figure-kit lineup and the popular social game "Alice Gear Aegis"!
She's moulded in colour so paint isn't necessary; she comes with three interchangeable facial expressions, and her new costume has movable side skirts for smooth posing. Her massive "Magnum Ops" weapon incorporates a transformation and combination mechanism, and it can be displayed in any of three forms!
She's also armed with a rifle, a one-handed sword, and other weapons. She can also be displayed without any armour or weapons if you prefer. Because her gear is equipped with 3mm-diameter ports, she can use armour and weapons from the M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, Hexa Gear, Sosai Shojo Teien and Arcanadia series too! Decals for eyes and markings are also included, as is a base for display. Order her for your own collection today!
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.