The legendary fighting game franchise "Street Fighter" was born in 1987, and "Street Fighter II" released in 1991 recorded a big hit not only in Japan but also worldwide. Since then, this series has spun history as a central presence in fighting games, and has reached its 35th anniversary. This book commemorates the anniversary year.
The visuals of 45 playable characters that appeared in "Street Fighter V" are archived and posted with comments from the developers.
You'll be able to feel the evolution of the graphics of the series from the rich visual group archived while looking back on the history. In addition, you can get a glimpse of the background of the development from the proposal included in the bonus content.
Moreover! It is exceptionally unusual to be included in a book before its release!! Visuals of the upcoming characters appearing in the new work "Street Fighter 6", which is scheduled to be released in June, are also posted along with setting pictures!
Order yours today!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
さらに! 発売前に書籍に収録されるのは、異例中の異例!! 6月に発売を控える新作『ストリートファイター6』に登場するプライアブルキャラクターたちのヴィジュアルも設定画とともに掲載!