"Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch of Mercury" was a big hit, with many of its viewers having just started getting into modelling. This issue will feature news and kits of the series.
Also, in this issue, Hobby Japan will heavily feature airbrushes for the first time in a while! Explaining various airbrushing techniques from basic usage with detailed how-to guides. Thorough coverage of all aspects of airbrushing, from maintenance to guides from professionals. After reading this issue, you'll no longer be intimidated by airbrushing!
[Bonus volume appendix] Airbrush Catalog
Plus of course, there are hundreds of pages of other news, features and articles you'll love!
Order yours today!
Hobby Japan is a monthly Japanese magazine focused on model kit building and customising and has been in publication since 1969! It is one of the most well-known and recognised magazines amongst Japanese model kit enthusiasts. It is packed full of news, latest release information, features and articles every month!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
『機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女』の大ヒットもあり、新たに模型をはじめた読者諸氏も多いことでしょう。
基本的な使い方からエアブラシでできるさまざまな技法を詳細なHow toを交えて解説。
●月刊工具 模型の入り口はいつの時代も工具から。