Following the current release of the first volume, the second volume of "Groundwork of EVANGELION: 3.0 Original Animation Illustrations" is now on sale!
The 10th volume of the "Groundwork of EVANGELION" series, "Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.0: Original Animation Illustrations Vol. 2" will be published by Khara Inc, the producer of the animation.
The book will feature the fascinating animation drawings shown in "Rebuild of Evangelion: 3.0" which is one step in the process of creating a technology that is regarded as the pinnacle of today's animation production.
The "Evangelion Exhibition" a large-scale exhibition sponsored by Asahi Shimbun that was held at Ginza Matsuya in the summer of 2013 and has since travelled to various locations in Japan, also exhibits many original drawings that represent the animation production process and has renewed interest in the subject.
The exhibition featured a collection of original drawings and layouts from the second half and climax of "Evangelion: 3.0," the third film in the "Evangelion" series, which has taken a new turn under the leadership of Hideaki Anno, the film's general director.
The original drawings allow the viewer to read the skills of the artists who created the various scenes in the film.
The number of original drawings in the book is several thousand, and the scanned data has been carefully retouched to reproduce the texture of the original colour pencils, making it even easier to understand the ingenuity and techniques of the animators.
It's 384 pages of pure "Evangelion" goodness — you'll love having it in your library, so place your order today!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
"「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q」のアニメーション原画集。 現在のアニメーション制作の最高峰と位置づけられる技術の、一工程であるアニメーション原画の魅力をたっぷりお届けします。 庵野秀明総監督の元、新たな展開を見せる「ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版」シリーズ。 その第3作にあたる「:Q」より、後半部分の原画やレイアウトなどを集約して紹介しました。映画のさまざまなシーンを演出する描き手たちの技を読み取ることができます。 数千枚に及ぶスキャニングデータを丁寧にレタッチ、原画の色鉛筆の風合いを再現して、よりアニメーターの工夫や技術がわかりやすくなりました。"