Yes, by all accounts, I should in fact be dead. Incinerated in the fires of your sun. But fate, it seems, saw fit that I'd have a second chance. And thanks to the power of the Big Gete Star, I have been reborn stronger and sleeker; new and improved, you might say.
— Metal Cooler —
Metal Cooler, revived by fusing with the Big Gete Star to appear in Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler, is now available in the S.H.Figuarts series!
The figure's mobile structure uses the latest S.H.Figuarts Dragon Ball series structure and the blue parts of the body are plated to reproduce the character as depicted in the series!
Three types of interchangeable head parts and four types of interchangeable left/right-hand parts are included. What’s more, exchangeable arm parts are included so you can even reproduce the arm in its state of repair after being damaged!
This is a posable【Action Figure】with articulated joints.