The top actress Kaede Agatsuma (Kaiden), a collaboration between the game "Alice Gear Aegis" and Kotobukiya's "Megami Device" mecha-girl figure kit series, is back!
Her renewed body is fully posable for maximum action, and features an Ace Suit directly from the game and a new eye print; the SP weapon "Senbonzakura (Four Cuts)" is also included. She can be displayed equipped with her armor and weapons in "armed mode," and also as a regular girl in "elemental mode." She's loaded with 3mm ports, too, so she can use armor and weapons from Kotobukiya's "M.S.G" series, "Frame Arms," "Frame Arms Girl" and "Hexa Gear" items. Decals for her eyes and markings are included, as is a base for display. Order her for your own collection today!
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.