Kotobukiya's new collaboration between their "Megami Device" action-figure model kits and the popular TV anime "Alice Gear Aegis Expansion" brings us a model of the anime original character Nodoka Takahata with "Megami Device" specifications!
The character design is by Rikiya Okano with design cooperation from Fumikane Shimada, and the suit and gear are designed by Kanetaka Ebikawa! Nodoka is equipped with her anime costume and the special gear SL-HEDY24MkX. The kit's detailed parts division reproduces the complex colour scheme of the anime as much as possible, so the model can be enjoyed without painting. Her rifle, two-handed sword, and other equipment are included as well. She's smoothly posable after assembly, and comes with three interchangeable expressions; she can be displayed in "Armed Mode" with all her equipment and weaponry, or in "elementary mode" without. She's also compatible with items from the "M.S.G" lineup, as well as "Frame Arms," "Frame Arms Girls," "Hexa Gear," "Sosai Shoujo Teien," and "Arcanadia" series items. Decals are included for her eyes and markings. She also comes with a gift code for a special gear set in the game! Order her today!
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.