Hamarn Khan's sister, Selena, rises up for the revival of Zeon!?
Following the conclusion of "Mobile Suit Gundam: Valpurgis", the first volume delves into the past of Hamarn Khan's sister, Selena Khan! The dedicated MS Proto Dimeterel of Selena Khan faces off against the new model MS Hedge Hog of the AEUG.
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
「機動戦士ガンダム ヴァルプルギス」完結、ハマーン・カーンの妹、セラーナ・カーンの過去を描く第1巻!セラーナ・カーン専用MSプロトディマーテルを、エゥーゴの新型MSヘッジ・ホォッグが迎え撃つ。