The red Zoid known as Fire Fox, which incorporates a brain-wave control system into the Shadow Fox, returns to Kotobukiya's "HMM" (Highend Master Model) model-kit series with bonus parts!
The head cockpit hatch opens and closes, and a pilot figure is included who can be seated in the cockpit. The Zoid Core built into the body can be attached and detached, and there AZ30mm Armor-Piercing Laser Vulcan can be moved by deploying the support arm. The tail has a built-in AZ70mm electromagnetic net cannon that's armored and movable. Clear green parts are included, as are colorless clear part which can be painted with your favorite clear color if you like. New decals are included for various emblems and caution marks too. Order this amazing mechanical beast for your own collection today!
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.