One month until the release of the movie 'Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM'! Commemorating the release is the new edition of 'Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY THE EDGE.' This issue includes valuable color drafts!! Special bonus: 'THE EDGE Illustration Collection.'
Order yours today!
Gundam Ace (ガンダムエース) or Gundam A is your monthly Magazine focusing entirely on the Gundam universe! Each issue is packed with hundreds of pages of fantastic contents including news, articles, reviews, and Gundam manga!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
映画「機動戦士ガンダムSEED FEREEDOM」公開まであと一か月! 新装版「機動戦士ガンダム SEED DESTINY THE EGDE」
発売記念号。貴重なカラー画稿を収録!! 特別付録「THE EGDEイラスト集」