The First Neo Zeon War Begins
ZZ Gundam vs. Neo Zeon Mobile Suits
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ began airing on TV in 1986 as a sequel to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. This series has garnered attention as an important episode connecting Zeta Gundam, Char's Counterattack, Gundam UC, and the currently popular Mobile Suit Moon Gundam serialized in Monthly Gundam Ace.
In response, the latest issue of HJ Mechanics features an expanded special on Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, following previous features on Zeta Gundam and Char's Counterattack. This issue revisits the series, providing detailed explanations of the mobile suits that appear, focusing on the released model kits. It also delves into the mecha and world settings, exploring the appeal of the series.
This and much much more. Order your copy today!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
HJメカニクス20 特集:機動戦士ガンダムZZ