F90 A to Z PROJECT" Feature Part 2!!
This is the 15th issue of "Gundam Forward," a magazine exclusively dedicated to Gundam, with the concept of "reporting from the front lines of Gundam," delivering the latest Gundam information and Gunpla building techniques by pro modelers.
Following from Vol.14, the feature is on 'Mobile Suit Gundam F90'! Six years into the "F90 A to Z PROJECT," we feature the long-awaited release, the "MG FG90III Cluster Gundam," along with all the remaining mission packs that have been released. In this issue, we'll provide detailed explanations with settings and Gunpla construction examples. The front-page topic introduces the latest Gundam works and new Gunpla kits.
Plus of course, tons of other news, features and articles you'll love!
Order your copy today!
"Gundam Forward" is a quarterly magazine packed full of the latest news and information on everything Gundam and Gunpla, introducing readers to the frontlines of the Gundam franchise! This includes articles on the Gunpla releases, Gunpla techniques by professional modellers.
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese
「F90 A to Z PROJECT」特集第2弾!!
特集はVol.14に引き続き『機動戦士ガンダムF90』! 「F90 A to Z PROJECT」スタートから6年目にして待望のリリースとなった「MG FG90III クラスターガンダム」を筆頭に、リリースされている残りのミッションパックをすべて掲載。今号でも設定とガンプラ作例で詳しく解説していきます。巻頭トピックでは、最新ガンダム作品や最新ガンプラを紹介します。