The story finally moves to the Cosmo Babylonia Founding War - F91 Manga Adaptation!
About half a year after the end of the F91 prequel - after recharging, Junji Ono returns! The new serialization 'F91 Eternal Wind,' which depicts the main movie of F91, begins!
All this and more — order yours today!
Gundam Ace (ガンダムエース) or Gundam A is your monthly Magazine focusing entirely on the Gundam universe! Each issue is packed with hundreds of pages of fantastic contents including news, articles, reviews, and Gundam manga!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
ガンダムエース 2025年1月号 No.269
F91プリクエル終了より約半年――充電を経て、おおのじゅんじ復活! F91映画本編を描く『F91エターナルウィンド』新連載開始!