Do I look like someone with any talent? [...] See, this country is vast. It's teeming with people who'd blow your mind. Some are complete enigmas. Some can take up a sword and become a Hashira in two months. Me, chosen? Don't give me that crap! Just how many lives do you think I've let slip through my fingers until now?
— Tengen Uzui —
The flashy Sound Hashira from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba gets his own dynamic ARTFX J figure!
Uzui Tengen stands in a battle pose with blades in both hands, ready to take on enemies. His hair and clothes flutter gently in the wind, with the wrinkles of his uniform reflecting his body's movements for a believable mid-battle appearance.
The detailed design of his headband and Nichirin Blades have also been faithfully reproduced. Extra attention was paid to accurately sculpting of his rippling muscles, which further showcase his strength and fortitude.
Order him today to display with your other Demon Slayer figures!
The Bonus Edition comes with an alternate face part.
This is a painted【Fixed-Pose Figure / Statuette】.