The 22-episode anime series "Cho Kosoku Galvion" made its debut in January 1984 — and now you can add a model kit of the Galvion itself to your collection thanks to Good Smile Company's "MODEROID" lineup!
It's articulated after assembly for posability, and includes interchangeable parts to reproduce its Circus-1, Road Attacker and Road Fighter forms! Its Combat System (20mm handgun and shield) is included as well, and the shoulder-mounted micro-missile hatch can be displayed opened or closed. By deploying the air nozzles at its feet and the wings at its back, and then attaching the leg stabilizers using interchangeable parts, it can be displayed as if floating!
It's moulded in colour and snaps together, so you can get a fantastic result just by assembling it. Order yours today!
This is a【Plastic Model Kit】that requires assembly.