With a strong conviction that fears not even death, Luffy challenges Krieg head-on. Will the fierce battle at the sea restaurant finally come to an end!? And then, the time for Sanji to set out on his journey arrives... A maritime adventure romance surrounding the "One Piece," the ultimate treasure!!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
死をも恐れぬ強い信念を持ち、クリークに真っ向勝負を挑むルフィ。海上レストランでの壮絶な闘いもついに終止符!? そして、サンジに旅立ちの時が訪れる…。“ひとつなぎの大秘宝(ワンピース)”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!