Believe in us and go straight ahead!! Trusting the words of the giants, Luffy and his crew push forward to the next island. However, when Nami falls ill, the ship sets course for a journey to find a doctor...!? A maritime adventure romance surrounding the "One Piece," the ultimate treasure!!
This is a Japanese-language book with all text in Japanese.
我らを信じてまっすぐ進め!! 巨人達の言葉を信じ、次の島へと突き進むルフィ達。だが、ナミが病気にかかってしまい、船は一路、医者探しの旅へと向かうが…!? “ひとつなぎの大秘宝(ワンピース)”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!!